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National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Quality Assurance (TBQA) Program

The TBQA program supports NIAID clinical studies by providing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) specific laboratory QA, evaluation of technologies and specimen processes, technology specific advice and training materials for clinical staff, and disseminates TBQA technical and scientific data. Mtb testing involves millions of patient samples across clinical sites that vary wildly in capability and training. The quality of Mtb testing, including protocol development and quality monitoring is critical to data integrity and the success of the clinical studies.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health emergency and is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. Each year, tens of millions of adults and children fall ill, and more than a million die. Multidrug-resistant Mtb continues to grow as a public health crisis and health security threat. Our SMEs provide a broad base of experience, relationships and expertise in Mtb and TB illness. They also actively engage stakeholders throughout the NIAID-sponsored networks in the US and abroad as well as the Mtb global community as a whole. This broad base of support from our SMEs, allows the TBQA program to navigate the complex global landscape, relationships, and dynamically shifting field of TB clinical and laboratory work.